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Search Results to Nickolas Zaller

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Zaller, Nickolas

Item TypeName
Concept Social Justice
Academic Article Opportunities to diagnose, treat, and prevent HIV in the criminal justice system.
Academic Article Forced withdrawal from methadone maintenance therapy in criminal justice settings: a critical treatment barrier in the United States.
Academic Article Attitudes toward methadone among out-of-treatment minority injection drug users: implications for health disparities.
Academic Article Drinking trajectories among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: a cohort study of United States veterans.
Academic Article The Criminal Justice Experience of African American Cocaine Users in Arkansas.
Academic Article Commentary: the importance of Medicaid expansion for criminal justice populations in the south.
Academic Article Criminal justice continuum for opioid users at risk of overdose.
Academic Article Opioid Use Among Those Who Have Criminal Justice Experience: Harm Reduction Strategies to Lessen HIV Risk.
Academic Article Association between Recent Criminal Justice Involvement and Transactional Sex among African American Men Who Have Sex with Men in Baltimore.
Grant Leveraging Implementation Science to Increase Access to Trauma Treatment for Incarcerated Drug Users
Academic Article Best practices for identifying men who have sex with men for corrections-based pre-exposure prophylaxis provision.
Grant Lifespan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program on Substance Use and HIV
Grant Advancing Health Disparities Research in Aging: The Aging Research in Criminal Justice & Health (ARCH) Network
Academic Article A call to protect patients, correctional staff and healthcare professionals in jails and prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Academic Article Making change happen in criminal justice settings: leveraging implementation science to improve mental health care.
Grant Advancing Health Disparities Research in Aging: The Aging Research in Criminal Justice & Health (ARCH) Network
Academic Article Tailoring services in opioid treatment programs for patients involved in America's criminal justice system: national associations and variation by state and Medicaid expansion status.
Academic Article A participant-randomized pilot hybrid II trial of group cognitive processing therapy for incarcerated persons with posttraumatic stress and substance use disorder symptoms: study protocol and rationale.
Academic Article Recommendations for conducting longitudinal studies with people who are justice involved.
Academic Article Telehealth among substance using justice-involved persons on community supervision: Benefits, challenges, and suggestions for future use.
Academic Article Introduction to the special issue: Health and social drivers in the criminal justice system.
Academic Article Proposed development of the Criminal Justice Translation and Clinical Science (CJ-TRACS) network.
Grant Linking Criminal Justice and Health Data: Challenges and Opportunities
Grant Lifespan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program on Substance Use and HIV
Grant The Center for Research, Health, and Social Justice
Grant Lifespan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program on Substance Use and HIV

Search Criteria
  • Social Justice